Walter II = 22/05/1790 St John Zachary with St Anne Susanna Sowley
b. 1763
see David Brind's account
See Sowleys
b. 1766
d. 1832 d. 1843
Prime Warden of Goldsmiths 1820 See 1820 trial
Silk trade
See cutting from Times

See London trade directories
See note about silk in Cheapside
See Walter appointed captain in 1803
||      ||
Walter III William Henry Anne Susanna Elizabeth Mary Esther Tatlock Edward Frederic Jane Brown
See photo
Ellen Henry Sir James
b. 1791 b. 1792 b. 1793 b. 1795 b. 1797 b. 1798 b. 1800 b. 1802 b. 1803 b. 1805 b. 1807 b. 1808
d. 1834 d. 29/02/1848 (55) See will
ob 4 Nov 1866 (73) d. 1875 ob 1799 ob 1833 at Florence ob 1857 ob 1891 [88]
1881 census
ob 1865 ob Dec 22, 1866 at Florence
d. 1888
= Anne d. of David Duffield of Sebrights, Grt Badlow, Essex ob 1863 Twice married but no issue
Jane Eliza, his widow remarries 1850
=Wm. Welsh of Stoke Newington b. 1786 ob 1827 =Thomas Uphill Davis of W. Lydiard Somerset 1824 (in Australia) Henrietta Sarah d. of Gen Sir Robt Sale (1) Joanna/
(2) Mary Carter/ (3) Georgiana Phillips/ (4) Jane Maunsell/
(5) Ellen Burne
Silk merchant Coventry Commercial traveller
Silk weaver in 1824?
Coal merchant
See coal links
See possible picture
Brigadier CB Bengal Artillery
East India Co
See London Gazette 1867
General GCB Bengal and Royal Artillery, Life Governor Corps of Commissionaires
Return to index Skeleton of tree

Certified copy of an entry of DEATH
within the District of the British Legation at Florence DEATH within the district of the British legation at Florence
No When and where died Name and surname Sex Age Rank or profession Residence at the time of death Signature, description and residence of informant when registered
46 December 22 1866
12 Via Pisana
Male 61 ys Merchant 12 Via Pisana Florence Minister of Grace & Justice Registered February 5th 1867
by me Robt Loftus Tottenham chaplain H M's Legation

Certified copy of an entry of DEATH
REGISTRATION DISTRICT Cheltenham 1848 DEATH within the sub-district of Cheltenham County of Gloucester
No When and where died Name and surname Sex Age Occupation RCause of death Signature, description and residence of informant when registered Signature of registrar
306 Twentyninth of February 1848
at St John Lodge
William Henry
Male 55 years Commercial traveller erythematic peritonitis 51 days
Mary Ashdon
present at death
St John Lodge
Third of March
S C Hagler(?)
erythematic peritonitis:

Silk trade

At a general meting of the merchants, manufacturers, dyers, dressers and other persons concerned in the silk trade, held at the London Tavern the 19th of January 1798, held at the London Tavern the &19th of January, 1798.

It was unanimously resolved "that it is the opinion of this meeting that the giving and receiving of Christmas boxes, or any other gratuities, in the course of the year, in the silk trade, is a troublesome, expensive, and pernicious custom, and that it ought to be abolished."

Resolved, "that another meeting be held by public advertisement on Friday 2d of February, to consider the propriety of coming to a general Agreement to discontinue the custom in future."

At an adjourned Meeting held at the same place, on Friday, the 2d of February.

It was unanimously resolved, "That the giving and receiving Christmas Boxes or any other Gratuity in the course of the year, shall be abolished in the Silk Trade, from the 25th of December, 1797."

Adams, Son and Co
Allen, Job and Son
Allsopp, John
Brants & De Lannoy
Billinge, Thomas
Beuzeville, Livesque and Berbett
Bird, Wm. Wilberforce and Co
Brewer, Samuel
Beckley, William
Blinkhorn and Musgrave
Bennett, Henry
Braud, Wm. Lewis
Buttress, John
Brind, Walter
Berryman, Thomas
Brass, Thos. & Son
Berryman, Thomas
Boyle, Michael
Bird, William
Cazenove, Ch, Th. and Batard
Chambers, Thomas,
Clays and Smith
Crallan, John
Cotes, Titford and Brookes
Caseboult and Co.
Crisp and Goddard
Coverley, C.J.
Cromwell, Thomas
Cook and Greive
Chamberlain, W
Duveluz, David
Doxat and Divett
Délahaye and Lebez
Dauffy, J and J
Dicker, John
Dickson, James
Desormeaux, J.L.
Desanges, William
descarrieres, David
Everard and Hale
Every, Joseph
Favenc, A. and A.
Frebout, Louis
Foot, James
Flowers, B & Son
Ferguson, James
Farmer, Samuel
Gandolfi, P. and N. and Co.
Gandolfi, J Vincent
Gwatkin, Edward
Garfed, J Wilkinson and Co.
Guillemard, J & P
Griffin, W and J.
Gearing & Taylers
Gibson, H.
Gouger, George
Gibson, Edward
Haldimand, A.F.
Hallet, Cox & Ore
Ham, J and J.
Holmes, Jos & Co
Hammond & Ferard
Hall and Forsyth
Hobbs, John
Hill, Geo and Co.
Harper, William
Hayward, Thomas
Hampton, F.
Hoooper and Lane
Hallows, T & W.
Holland, Joseph
Hawkes, Caleb
Hart, Chabot and Bredell
Hopkins, Joshua
Hendrie, Robert
Jeudwine & Smart
Jourdan, J & G.
Jackkson & Hartlet
Ingleby, John
Jenkins, John
Ireland, John
Kincaid, J and D.
Kirk, Richard
Lucadou & Le Souef
Levy, Zaccaria
Lea, Richard
Le Souef, J & Sons
Lowe, Clay and Hopkins
Lamb, Haycock & Lamb
Le Lievre & Deboof
Motteux, J & Co.
Mesman and Bredel
Malo, John
Massu and Son
Michel, P. F.
Meyrick, E.
Meadows & Vial
Margrave, Thomas
Owen, R and E.
Partison, N. and J.
Prinsep & Saunders
Powell, Stephen
Perrell, John
Pickersgill, Thos.
Prater, William
Pearkes, John
Packer, Richard
Pilgrim, Stephen
Parsons, William
Rock and Shute
Reminhgton & Wilion
Reynolds, Son & Co
Roberts, Hugh
Rugg, Hwenry
Roberts & Walters
Racine and Jaques
Sapre, P.A.
Saywell, J.
Steer, Charles
Smith, Leny
Stanbridge & Tagg
Smith, John
Smith and Holding
Simons, Richard
Smart, Robt. & Son
Tibbits, Belcher & Co.
Turquands and Grugeon
Troughton, Newcomb and Co.
Tippetts, Obadiah and Co.
Tanner, John
Vaux, John & Son
Vaux and Bloom
Winstanley, Henry
Wilson, William
Wilson, Thomas
Wilson, S
Watson, Thomas
White, Henry
Witts and Rowley
Whalley, Thomas
Wake, William
Willis, D. and J.
Ward, James
Weston, Chs & Co.
Westey, John
Ward, John & Co.
(Signed) William Wilson, Chairman.
From The Times Tuesday February 20, 1798
Notable, famous Brinds More press cuttings

From the Law Advertiser of 1824..
ELVERSTON C E Richard Smith, Wood-street, laceman.
William Henry Brind, Paternoster-row, silk weaver.

HENRY BRIND, Deceased.
Pursuant to the Statute 22nd and 23rd Victoria, chapter 35, entitled ;An Act to further amend the Law ol Property, and to relieve Trustees."

NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors or persons having any claims or demands upon the said Henry Brind, late of Nos. 10 and 12, Fuori la Porta San Frediano, Florence, in the Kingdom of Italy, Straw Plait Merchant, deceased (who died on the 22nd day of December, 1866,) and who claim to be entitled to participate in the 'proceeds of certain policies of assurance on the life of the said Henry Brind, under or by virtue of a certain indenture or deed of assignment of the said policies, dated the 26th day of October, 1857, made between the said Henry Brind , of the one part, and Frederick William Brind and John George, of the other part, are hereby respectively required on or before the 23rd day of September, 1867: to send full particulars, in writing, of such claims or demands, and the nature of the security (if any) held for the same, to Messrs. Duffield and Bruty, of No. 6, Tokenhouse Yard, Lothbury, in the city of. London, Solicitors, after which day the said Frederick William Brind and John George will proceed to distribute the monies received by them from the proceeds of the said policies amongst the parties entitled thereto under the said deed, having regard to the claims and demands only of which they shall then have had notice; and that the said Frederick William Brind and John George will not be liable for the said monies, or any part thereof, so distributed to any person or persons of whose debt or claim thereon they shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution, —Dated this 10th day of July, 1867. DUFFIELD and BRUTY, No 6, Tokenhouse Yard, Bank, London, Solicitors for the said Frederick William Brind and John George.

This picture comes from and you have to be a member to get more info. According to the heading it is Edward Brind 12 Aug 1822. The more detailed info suggests this Edward was born in 1801 (so the picture, clearly based on a silhouette, might have been painted when he was 21 years old). That means it probbably isn't Edward son of Walter II, but if it isn't him, who could it be? One possibility is Edward son of Thomas and Sarah who moved to the US, living until the 1880s.