Ernest Walter | = All Saints, Harlesden 1905 See email from Maureen Anderson |
Theodora Maimee (Chambers) | |
b. 1866 | b. 03/09/1884 |
Pursuant to the Statute 22 and 23 Vic., cap. 35,
intitled "An Act to further amend the Law of
Property and to relieve Trustees."
NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and
other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Ernest Walter Brind (late of 15,
Bedford-gardens, in the county of London), Wine
Merchant (who died on the 16th day of March, 1913,
administration of whose estate was granted to Theodora
Maimee Brind, of 33, Chepstow-crescent, in the
county of London, Widow of the testator, in the
.Principal Probate Registry of His Majesty's High
Court of Justice, on the 7th day of August, 1913), are
hereby required to send particulars, in writing, of
their debts, claims, or demands -to us, the undersigned,
as Solicitors for the said administratrix, on or
before the 26th day of November, 1913; and notice
"is hereby given, that at the expiration of that time
the said administratrix will proceed to distribute the
. assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims,
and demands of which they shall have then had
notice; and that they will not be liable for the assets,
or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or
persons of whose debts, claims, or demands they
shall not have had notice.
Dated this 25th day -of October, 1913. KENNETH BROWN, BAKER, BAKER and Co., Lennox House, Norfolk-street, Strand, London, 087 W.C., Solicitors for the said Administratrix. |
Wine merchant | |||
d. 16/3/1913 | d. 1974(89) | ||
1881 census 1891 census 1901 census |
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Joan Evelyn (Lalagia) |
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b. 1907 | |||
d. 1999 See obit. |
Joan Evelyn Brind (Madame Lalagia) 1907 - 1999
The last of Walter Ills family
and the only child of Ernest and Theodora Brind. Her father died in 1913, and due to a flawed legal document that led to a court case, which his widow lost, the family were left practically penniless. " ----..-
Joan quite early formed a passion for dance and attended ballet classes.
Joan left school in 1928 (aged 16) and spent 18 months in Ceylon where her mother and step father - George Irwin a naval officer was serving. On her return to England she continued ballet training under various well known Russian teachers (including the Czar's ex-mistress.'). Her first engagement was in the Brixton pantomime at a salary of £3 per week "12 changes of costume twice daily", followed by a London show as a 'special dancer* at £4 a week. She then danced at the Royal Opera House and with Diagilev's Ballet Russe in London and on tour, but one day she saw the famous Spanish Dancer Argentina performing and she determined to learn Spanish Dance. She went to Barcelona and Madrid where she lived and trained for 3 years studying Regional, Flamenco and Classical Spanish Dance under the most famous teachers of the day. During this period she earned much needed money in theatres, cabarets and night clubs and adopted the stage name of Lalagia. After her training she was highly successful, and appeared as a soloist In the Liceo Theatre of Barcelona, and the foremost Cabarets la Madrid, London and Paris. The Civil War brought an end to her life in Spain, but she returned afterwards to dance in Barcelona, until the second world war when she became a full time censor and/or decoder. In 1951 she founded her Studio of Classical Spanish Ballet in London, she also taught at the Royal Academy of Dancing and at the Legat School. Her studio was a great success and she became renowned the world over as the foremost teacher of Classical Spanish dancing and Regional dances of Spain, outside Spain. On one occasion, the famous Russian Kirov Ballet was in London and she was asked to train their leading dancer. She also arranged for the Anglo-Spanish Society some excellent Veladas. On retirement from teaching Lalagia then dedicated herself to writing a Practical Handbook entitled 'Spanish Dancing (by Lalagia, published by Dance Books), which is a detailed practical introduction for beginners wishing to master both technique and execution. This was first published in 1985 (when she was 78)and has been sold all over the world, no such book having been written before in any language - it is still in demand and has been reprinted. | |||
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SPANISH DANCING is a detailed practical introduction for beginners wishing to master both technique and execution. The student is taken from the use of the castanets and arm positions to basic steps such as Taconeo and Zapateado and on to performance of the complete dances Las Sevillanas and the Fandango. Mme. Lalagia's text is complemented by over 150 line drawings by Lyn Gray.
LALAGIA originally trained as a ballet dancer with Euphan MacLaren, Seraphina Astafieva and Stanislas Idzikowski. She danced at the Royal Opera House and with the Ballet Russe; but her love of Spanish dancing was aroused by seeing the famous Argentina, who advised her to go to Spain where she studied under La Faraona, Luisa Pericet of Madrid, and Juan Magrina of the Liceo Barcelona. She appeared as a soloist in the Teatro de Barcelona, and in the foremost cabarets in Madrid, London and Paris. Lalagia founded her Estudio de Baile Clasico Espanol in London in 1951; and her pupils have joined many famous Spanish dance companies, including that of Antonio. For many years she taught Spanish dancing at the Royal Academy of Dancing and at the
Legal School.
Lalagia Dear Editor - I was sad to read in theobituary columns of a newspaper of thedeath of Lalagia. The news brought back amemory of the short period I was with theAnglo-Polish Ballet company. MadameLalagia was engaged to teach Spanishdance and castanets to the company as Ibelieve there was some possibility ofproducing a Spanish ballet. She was very patient with those of uswho did not find castanet playing easy. Ionly have to close my eyes to rememberher elegant carriage and sinuous armmovements. There will be others who canpay their tribute resulting from a longerand more knowledgeable acquaintance butI was taken back 53 years when I saw hername. I hope her old age was a happy one.- Yours sincerely, M. Challenger (Margaret Baron) 7 Honister Drive, Kendal LA9 7PD. Note: Madame Lalagia died peacefully athome, A tribute appears on page 915.Editor. OBITUARY Lalagia LALAGIA (Joan Brind) , who has died at theage of 92, was an English woman whobecame first an accomplished Spanish dancerand then one of the foremost teachers ofSpanish dancing in London. She trained first as ballet dancer withEuphan MacLaren, Seraphina Astafieva, andStanislas Idzikowski and danced at the RoyalOpera House with the Ballets Russes, but herlove of Spanish dancing was aroused by seeing the great Argentina who advised her to goto Spain. There she studied under LaFaraona, Luisa Pericet of Madrid, and JuanMagrina of the Liceo Barcelona. Sheappeared as a soloist in the Teatro deBarcelona and in the foremost cabarets inMadrid, London, and Paris. She founded herEstudio d Baile Clasico Espanol in London in1951, Her pupils have joined many famousSpanish dance companies, including that ofAntonio. For many years she taught Spanishdancing at The Royal Academy of Dancingand at the Legat School. Her book SpanishDancing A Practical Handbook, is a practical introduction for beginners wishing to master both technique and execution.Published by Dance Books in 1985 it is stillin print,the only manual of its kind, and soldworld wide, ![]() Her cousin, Caroline Everett, has lent usthis photograph and also supplied a little family history and personal recollections."Joan's mother, Theodora, was one of SidneyChambers' 16 children. She married ErnestBrind of an old Wiltshire family, which canbe traced back to the building of CorfeCastle. Their only daughter, Joan, was bornin 1907 in London. Ernest died age 44 in1912 and, owing to a flawed Will, left his wife and daughter practically penniless. Asluck would have it, Joan's great, great grandfather, General Sir James Brind, had foundedthe very charity which was to support themfor the next three years - until Theo marriedagain, to a naval officer. Joan was sent to aboarding school in Eastbourne in 1913. Toquote her, it was "a mad Victorian school,specialising in music, fancy needlework, andthe court curtsey!" This curtsey was pressedinto service when she was indeed presentedat Court. Quite early on, she formed a passion for dance and it was while she wasstudying Regional, Flamenco, and ClassicalSpanish Dance in Spain that she adopted thestage name of Lalagia. The second worldwar intervened for her, as it did for everybody, and she became a full time decoder.Once she had opened her school, in 1951, shedevoted herself to her students who adoredher. Their numbers are legion and from thesize of the pile of photographs and lettersfrom all over the world many seem to havekept in touch with her to the end. In line withher modesty, she wanted her funeral to beprivate and low key so her ex-students werenot there but in her Will she left instructions,and the resources, for them to hold a wonderful party in her memory. In a postcard datedApril 8 of this year, she joked that she hadbeen rung by the BBC who were filming aprogramme on Spanish Dance and wanted amature Flamenco dancer. "How mature?"she asked, "I'm ninety-two!" There weregiggles, and general collapse from the producer the other end. Ninety-two is a goodage. But she will be terrifically missed bymany people. She was generous, kind, brave,and, above all, she was fun. May her soulrest in peace." M.C Lalagia (Joan Brind) born February 23,1907; died May 11, 1999. |
1905 Marriage solemnized at All Saints ?Harlesden in the County of Surrey |
No | When Married | Name and surname | Age | Condition | Rank or Profession | Residence at the time of Marriage | Father's name and surname | Rank or Profession of Father |
1905 | Ernest Brind | 39 | Bachelor | ? | Nutfield | Charles Brind | Merchant | |
Theodora Chambers | 20 | Spinster | South Nutfield | Sydney Chambers | Merchant |
Married in the Parish of ?????? according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me W Brind, curate |
This Marriage was solemnized between us |
Ernest Brind Theodora Chambers |
In the Presence of us |
Sydney Chambers
Alice Chambers John Edward Spencer Brind Florence Brind |
From: "Maureen Anderson" Date: Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:56:27 pm Europe/London To: Subject: brinds I have just been copying a Brind wedding photograph in case anyone wanted it at a family wedding next week. The photo was taken in 1905 and shows Ernest Brind 39 bach. of Nutfield, father Charles Brind, merchant to Theodora Chambers 20 spinster, South Nutfield, father Sydney Chambers merchant (He started South African Breweries). Witnesses Sydney and Alice Chambers, John Edward Spencer Brind (Sir John, General) and Florence A Brind (Ernest's sister) The marriage was performed by H or K Brind curate All Saints ?Harlesden It is a wonderful photo with all the Chamber girls dressed as Bo Peep, 6 of them, including my mother-in-law and Ingret Giffard who would marry Lawrence Van de Post. The photo was given to me by their only daughter Joan who became the famous Spanish dancer, Lalagia. I decided to "waste" some time and find out about Sir John, which led me to your entry so I thought you might be interested. Yours very sincerely Maureen Anderson |
Olive, Vi, Sir John Brind, Ernest Brind,Theo, Stella, Dolly, ?
Eileen (granny), Ingrid (married Van Der Poste). |