INDEX 26 November, 2018
Last night in Chatham High Street a woman perhaps in her 30s or 40s made a beeline towards me and asked for some money. She said she was homeless.

She looked at me and asked if I was homeless too? Now my clothes are eccentric but not threadbare; I'm no-one's idea of a traditional tramp with a bundle of clothes carried on a stick. But I did have a large backpack, which I guess could have been my worldly possessions.

It was a reminder of the fact that almost anyone can be homeless today thanks to the privatisation of rented housing, which is what the sale of council housing turned out to be. Today it's all too easy to lose your home at the whim of a private landlord. Once homeless, it then becomes frighteningly difficult to get back into the system.
Jonathan Brind
26 November, 2018